Compassionate Virtual Nutrition Coaching in Ontario
With Your Unique Food Journey In Mind.


Settle the fight with food and your body.


Feeling FED UP with food and body fights? 

Well, you’re in the right place, and I’m so glad you’re here! 

You deserve a life where food can be deeply enjoyed (no guilt, no shame!), and your body can be celebrated for all of its brilliance!

Drop the diets and body shame To flourish into YOUR best version of health.


How are you REALLY feeling?

  • Struggling with an eating disorder and not sure how to change?

  • Overwhelmed by all the “should/shouldn’t” foods you constantly hear about including/avoiding?

  • Feeling over the diets, and wanting to nourish while letting go of the stress you feel around eating and food?

  • Lost in cravings that you can’t seem to explain?

  • Wanting to make peace with the skin you’re in?

  • Ready for life-long change, but don’t know where or how to start?


you deserve to feel great!

Let’s re-write THAT script and Flourish True.

Say good-bye to the latest dish on diets, body stress, and nutrition confusion. Say hello to supportive healing for a fuller relationship with food and body through the use of deeply nourishing food and lifestyle shifts for a flourishing unique YOU!


Let me help you flourish with your food for:

Eating Disorder recovery (adolescents, young adults, adults)

Improved food relationship

Nourishing and enjoyable nutrition

Better body connection


It’s time to flourish.

Learn how I Can help you!
